
March 2018

Supplier ZF: Saarbrücken transmission plant remains `a main pillar`

 Despite great upheavals, the automotive sector in Saarland is developping well. Last year, many companies recorded rising sales and the trend for 2018 is much promising. So, the automotive supplier ZF registered record sales of roughly € 36 million for last year. In its Saarbrücken factory, the company had produced about 2.6 millions of automatic transmissions in 2017. According to the new Chairman of the Board Wolf-Henning Scheider, the Saarbrücken transmission plant remains a main pillar of ZF also in the future.

ZF has roughly 230 locations in 40 countries, with 20 main development sites in eight countries. In its Saarbrücken plant, one of the most sophisticated manufacturing plants worldwide, ZF produces automatic transmissions for vehicles with most different drive configurations.

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