The digital future is here once more – in the early summer for the first time and with a brand new concept. This year, CEBIT – Europe’s Business Festival for Innovation and Digitization – is taking place in Hanover from 11 to 15 June 2018. Consisting of an exhibition, a conference and a networking event, CEBIT (the biggest event of its kind in the industry) offers its visitors a comprehensive overview of digitalisation in companies, administration and society. Major IT solutions from Saarland will be presented at various stands, with Germany’s Minister for Economic Affairs Peter Altmeyer and Minister for Research Anja Karliczek also providing an overview as they tour the exhibition.
One example is the Saarland research stand where scientists from Saarland University are once again presenting their wide-ranging research, including a real-time 3D model of a moving hand or a digital assistant designed to teach athletes a healthier and more efficient running movement (hall 27 stand G75).
How robots acquire new other skills, and other developments
The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) is presenting AI for humans across four different stands. Project results and research prototypes are tackling AI research fields such as body and motion tracking, learning systems, deep learning, tax data analytics, immersive quantified learning, everyday smart services, rehabilitation robotics and gender IT. The main stand is F62 in hall 27.
Who controls the internet?
Researchers at the CISPA Helmholtz-Zentrum i.G. in Saarbrücken are using formal methods to investigate the global security status of the internet. They will also be presenting their latest findings in Hanover from 11 June at stand F68 in hall 27.
The Saarland community stand has been an integral part of CEBIT for more than 25 years, and as in previous years has been organised by saaris (saarland.innovation&standort e. V.) and the Saarland Ministry of Economic Affairs. It will be presenting products made by Saar companies via eight exhibitors at stand C12 in hall 17. They will be focusing on the fields of data management, digital offices and processes through to infrastructure, security and communication.