
Science Park Saar

Science Park Saar, located at Saarbrücken University campus, is available to young companies that are looking for direct contact with the research sector. As a tried and tested centre for entrepreneurs and founders it is the answer to increasing demand from technology-oriented companies for appropriate space and the corresponding infrastructure.

LEG Saar took over the project management for Science Park Saar GmbH during the construction of the “Science Park 2” building and is now in charge of business management and facility management.

Science Park Saar is part of the regional policy strategy of the state government. New jobs in future-oriented sectors support this structural change. And the advantageous conditions in the park encourage self-employment.

Construction projectConstruction of Building 2
Investment19.8 million €
Area7,200 m² office area
2,000 m² laboratory area
ClientScience Park Saar GmbH
PerformanceProject management LEG Saar