The shell of the Bergmannsalm on the Reden slag heap plateau is complete. `Thus, works are right on schedule after the base plate could still be concreted in December 2016. I am confident that the Alm hut will be completed until beginning June this year`, says Jürgen Barke, State Secretary for the Economy and Chairman of the Board of SHS Strukturholding Saar which is in charge of the planning and construction of the Alm ensemble.
The Alm hut, a wood-frame construction, is oriented at the typical alpine buildings in wood and stone. This also includes stylish wooden lattice windows with folding shutters and snow bars on the roof. Inside, you find veneers made of wood, plaster and stone.
The umbrella bar was already opened in spring 2016 and will – also after completion of the main building – remain an integral part of the Bergmannsalm ensemble. The total usable space of 520 sq.m. will include two dining rooms with 160 places in all. So, also an event room that can be used separately from the normal touristic business will be available. Furthermore, there will be a service area with kitchen and technical rooms as well as staff room and rest rooms. Both parts of the building are also accessible for the disabled. The construction costs of the building are expected to reach roughly 1.1 million euros. Added to this are costs of 450,000 euros for the extension of the service area.