
November 2014

First topping-out ceremony on the Lisdorfer Berg

Together with the construction firms, the Swiss producer of beverage packagings Helvetia Packaging held its topping-out ceremony including the placement of a traditional ceremony tree and a carpenter´s speech (Zimmermannsspruch) on November 5. Helvetia Packaging will invest 70 million euros in its new Saarland plant – a building complex of 30,000 square meters – on the newly developed Masterplan industrial area Lisdorfer Berg. The buildings shall be completed by mid 2015.


Then, Helvetia Packaging AG will manufacture beverage packagings here. The new plant will employ 150 people. ´For our branch, optimal logistic prerequisites are essential. Combined with an industrial area that has been developed according to our requirements and an excellent support from Saarland side, the package is coherent. We are convinced that the new location can be operated successfully`, says Rolf Ostmann, member of the board of directors of Helvetia Packaging AG.


In the neighborhood of Helvetia Packaging and on three other locations, industrial surfaces of roughly 200 hectares in size are still available for companies looking for an excellent place to be in the heart of Europe.
» www.masterplan-saarland.de


`The Lisdorfer Berg is a real success story and will further strenghten the region. With such large, centrally located aeas we are well prepared to adequately position the business location Saarland on the map of national and international competitors`, Minister Anke Rehlinger said in September during an official event on the site. 140 of the associated 550 jobs would be newly created.
Besides further enquiries from the manufacturing industry and the automotive supply industry, also the logistics sector is showing great interest in the area. This is a clear sign that the present-day availability of large industrial areas in Germany is limited The Saarland can benefit from this.