
October 2022

Strong interest in the business location Saarland among Turkish companies

On Friday, October 21, the Saarland Economic Development Corporation (gwSaar) and the Turkish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce held a joint online symposium during which they provided Turkish companies with information on business and investment opportunities in Saarland.

The event was opened by Okan Özoglu, Managing Director of the Turkish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce, and Elena Yorgova-Ramanauskas, State Secretary at the Saarland Ministry of Economics. She said: `Saarland and its location in the heart of Europe provides best conditions for foreign investors. Therefore, we would like to use the Turkish-German Business Day to introduce Saarland to Turkish investors and entrepreneurs and to promote business relocations. Already since long, our two countries have been maintaining intensive and fair economic relations. And we would like to develop this further.`

Many Turkish companies have already identified Saarland as an attractive business location. This is also reflected by the lively participation at the symposium with over 120 participants and their interest in the business location – similar to the equally well-attended event for investors held in early 2021.

So, gwSaar provided detailed information about Saarland and its potential for expanding companies. In a further presentation, the Saarbrücken lawyer Rasim Akkaya talked about the legal framework for Turkish investors. Following this, Turkish companies already settled in Saarland gave many practice examples and praised the comprehensive support during the relocation process.

In numerous one-on-one discussions between gwSaar, together with its network partner Derya Araç, and interested Turkish companies, individual projects could be explored and perspectives be shown.

The companies know: gwSaar provides full support – from a rapid and efficient support to fully developed areas or properties meeting the needs of the investor.