
November 2016

`Learning and acting in the digital world` – National IT Summit of the Federal Government in Saarbrücken

`…one of the biggest events we have had in Saarland in the last few years.` Saarland´s Minister-President Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer who hosts the event is pleased that the National IT Summit of the Federal Government is held in Saarland.

On November 17, 1000 guests are expected to come to Saarbrücken for the National IT Summit, among them many high-ranking politicians and business representatives. Also Chancellor Merkel will join the event, just like the CEO of Google Sundar Pichai. For him, it is the first visit to Germany. The official opening of the Summit – held under the central theme Learning and acting in the digital world – will be performed by Economics Minister Sigmar Gabriel.

Seven IT tours to hot spots of Saarland´s IT scene already took place on November 16. They showed exciting projects and gave insights into the IT location Saarland which has developed a highly performing and internationally acknowledged IT competence during the last few years. A strong Department of Computer Science at the Saarland University has evolved to an IT location of excellence with over 40 professors for Computer Science and 300 PhD students at the university, the Center for IT Security, Privacy and Accountability (CISPA), the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), the two Max-Planck Institutes for Computer Science and Software Systems, as well as the International Conference and Research Center for Computer Science at Dagstuhl Castle. 30 professors at the University of Applied Sciences (HTW) round off the image. All scientists take benefit from a mutual readiness and ability to cooperate that is one of a kind. For, despite the worldwide digitalization, being well and personally networked is the basis of any success.

Topical information and live broadcasts: http://it-gipfel.saarland/